CafeMom TickersCafeMom Tickers

CafeMom TickersCafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


YX caught the virus! He came home with a fever around 5pm and I only get to know about it when I reached home at night. I had to leave JE with my mum as I can't risk her catching the contagious virus. I am missing her so much!

Day 1 (Fri): Fever at 39.2°C, seen by a GP locum and was diagnosed as viral fever and sent off with Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.

Day 2 (Sat): Even with Ibuprofen, fever hikes up to 40.6°C. We went to KKH A&E and was asked to give him a warm bath there, followed by Diclofenac suppository. YX took urine and blood test as well just to be on the safe side. The doctor gave YX antibiotics as he noticed he had a sore throat.

Day 3 (Sun): Loss of appetite. Noticed that he had one ulcer in his throat and one on his tonsil. By evening, saw two more ulcers appearing. Went to the GP again and confirmed it's HFMD but was just given Leftose Syrup for anti-inflammation. Was asked by the GP to watch out for rash/blisters on his hands/feet/butt.

Day 4 (Mon): Fever subsided. Poor kid couldn't drink or eat. The painful ulcers were making him irritable and fussy now. I had to force him to drink. He cried and screamed with every sip. Realised he was able to take cold drinks better and syringe was an easier way to force some water in him.

Day 5 (Tues): Appetite was better and he asked for milk in the morning. Still in pain but he managed to bear with it and finished up his milk. Guess he was too hungry. Way to go, YX! You were so brave! Ate better without being fussy. Asked for rice but then immediately after saying that, he moaned pitifully, "宇翔嘴巴痛! 不可以吃饭!" I couldn't help laughing when I heard that.

Day 6 (Wed): Appetite was great as he took his milk, had two small slice of bread and asked for Chwee Kuay during lunch. I gave him some of my mixed rice too. Took Koko Crunch with fresh milk for tea break. His ulcers are healing and he was drinking more water. No more wincing in pain while drinking. Yes! YX is on the road to recovery!

Day 7 (Thurs): No more visible ulcers and the boy gets his favourite food... rice! =)

Afternote: Both YX's cousin caught the virus too and had exactly the same symptons. Get well soon, kids. Hugs!!

1 comment:

cass said...

poor YX...glad that he has recovered.